Public Speaking Jobs

Trying to get a job public speaking can be extremely frustrating if you don't know where to look. Many places that offer public speaking jobs have stiff competition for the jobs, relatively low pay and what most people who have done it would say, a grueling schedule.

If you really want to try to work for one of the major companies like Skill Path and Career Trac, you have to visit their websites and find their submission guidelines. these guidelines will tell you what the company needs from you in order to consider you for the job.

Maybe you should consider making your own public speaking job. You'd be amazed how many ways there are to get paid to speak. You can do most of them on a part time basis. You can control the fees you charge and you can choose only the best jobs.

You will need some training to do this. Trying to start on your own without training could add years to your learning curve and keep you from earning the most money. How could it do that?

There are many deals you can make when you get hired to speak that can sometimes quadruple the fee you are getting. Do you know the terminology used by corporations and associations when they are considering a speaker and speaker add ons? . . . Probably not. This could cost you many thousands of extra dollars on each speech you give.

So, make your own public speaking job, but get good training first.

Professional speaking book